hitunglah range dan median pada tabel tersebut

Range =
= Nilai terbesar - Nilai terkecil
= 10 - 6
= 4
Median =
Note :
Range : Selisih nilai terbesar dan terkecil
Median : Nilai tengah
[answer.2.content]1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: The Rise and Fall of Solomon (MacArthur Bible Studies)
1 Kings 1 to 11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes: The Rise and Fall of Solomon (MacArthur Bible Studies)
= Nilai terbesar - Nilai terkecil
= 10 - 6
= 4
Range : Selisih nilai terbesar dan terkecil
Median : Nilai tengah